Sharing Sustenance - Real Food Cooking Classes

Sharing Sustenance - Real Food Cooking Classes

Fresh, organic meats and produce, whole grains, and natural sugars are the ingredients that we focus on. Refined sugars are a huge hindrance to our immune system functioning properly, and can be easily replaced with natural sugars. The majority of our diets are overrun with refined sugars, especially in our children.

Cutting out these sugars will go a long way towards helping our health as a whole and helping fight the issue of obesity in children. A primary value of Sharing Sustenance is to teach and empower others to move towards nourishing their body with real and unprocessed foods that are free of additives and refined sugars.

Cooking classes range in age from elementary to Jr. High and High School, as well as some adult classes. Classes are held in Edmond, OK.

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