Spicy Seafood Pasta

Spicy Seafood Pasta

by Margie Peralta

I used fresh tomatoes for this recipe and added few jalapenos for a spicy taste. My son loves it.

2 tablespoons of olive oil
1/2 pc jalapeno, sliced
1 small onion, chopped finely
1 garlic clove, peeled and finely chopped
1 can of tuna, drained
125g peeled prawns, heads removed
100g mussels, shells removed
1k fresh tomatoes, blanched, seeds removed (put in the blender
and make a puree)
3-4 tablespoons tomato paste
1/4 teaspoons cayenne pepper
salt and pepper to taste
Parmesan cheese
500g linguine (or any kind of pasta, cooked according to package instruction

1. Heat the oil in pan and gently add in the jalapeno. Add the onion first and then garlic until golden.

2. Sauté the fresh prawns and mussels until cooked. Then add the tuna.

3. Add in the tomato puree. Simmer with low heat.

4. Add the cayenne pepper and mix thoroughly.

5. Add in salt and pepper. Taste.

6. Serve the sauce over the drained spaghetti. Add Parmesan cheese on top. Garnish with parsley.

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Apr 14, 2011
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