Duck Soup Cook with Book Activity
by Aubrey Halliday
(Yellville, Arkansas)
Theme Reading Book

Inspired by the book: “Duck Soup”, by Jackie Urbanovic
Ingredients:1 Medium Red Onion (thinly sliced)
1 Garlic Clove (chopped)
2 shallots (eyeballs)
2 dozen new potatoes (heads)
2 Bay Leaves (feathers)
1 can (28 ounces) crushed tomatoes
4 cups Chicken Broth
1 Bag (1 pound) frozen peas
1 Eggplant (beaks) (cut into small triangle wedges)
Small bunch of green onions (chopped)
1 Green Bell Pepper, chopped
2 large carrots (cut into chunks or coins) (feet)
3 Tbs. Chives
2 Sprigs of Thyme
2 Basil leaves (more feathers)
2 tsp. Pepper
2 tsp. Salt
½ cup olive oil, plus 2 Tbs. for skillet
1 stick butter
4 cups shredded Smoked Gouda Cheese
Wash and prepare all produce. Place 4 quarts of water in large soup pot and turn on heat to Medium/High. Add potatoes and shallots, and bring to boil. Reduce heat to Medium and continue cooking.
While water is being heated, sauté red onions and garlic until onions are transparent. Remove from heat and set aside.
Now, to the heated water, add the rest of the ingredients, except the cheese, stirring occasionally.
Add the cheese last, stirring frequently, and possibly reducing heat. Once soup has reached desired temperature, and veggies are tender (potatoes and egg plant are easily pierced with a fork), serve.
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