Vegetable Burgers

Vegetable Burgers

by bradley crawford

ingredients :
1 large carrot, diced
1 (2.5cm) piece root ginger
1 pepper, chopped
1 small onion,grated
1 leek, diced
ground coriander or fresh coriander leaves (optional)
1 (400g) tin kidney beans
1-2 large beaten egg
2 slices bread or 90g breadcrumbs

method :
1)Grate the carrot and finely chop the ginger, garlic, onion and leek (you can do this in a food processor for speed).
2)Fry the chopped vegetables with a little oil for about 10 minutes until softened, season with pepper. You can also add ground coriander or chopped coriander leaves for extra flavour.
3)Mash the kidney beans or whizz in a food processor until smooth.
4)Mix the vegetables with the kidney beans and add the beaten egg.
5)Add the breadcrumbs and mix well (you can make breadcrumbs by letting two slices of bread go stale and then whizzing in a food processor or rubbing it together by hand). The mixture has quite a sticky consistency.
6)Shape into 6 balls and press into a burger shape. You can freeze them at this stage if required and use at a later date.
7)Fry in a pan for 5 minutes each side until browned.

tip : The ginger is what makes these burgers, so if the burgers aren't very tasty, add more ginger.

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