South African Recipes

South African recipes are influenced by the country's mixture of people, languages and culture groups. The food is indicative of this mix and has produced a wide range of tastes and techniques.
south african cooking

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South Africa Facts

south africa map
The bulk of the Black African people today live a westernised lifestyle but in the traditional black villages in the rural areas of South Africa the staple diet is vegetable and mielie pap. Mielie Pap is a maize meal porridge often served with gravy and a little meat if available. Samp and beans is another traditional meal.

The first white inhabitants in South Africa were primarily three groups: Dutch, French and British. The food that comes from the descendants of the Dutch makes up the typical "Boere Kos" (Farmers Food) that is still enjoyed by many.

Another large group of people particularly in the Western Cape are the Cape Malay people who originate from the earliest slaves in the Cape. Their curries are renowned all over the country.

South African Recipe

Here is a favourite traditional Mutton Curry recipe.
This is a quick and easy choice in our Cape Malay recipes. Mutton being a tougher meat needs a little longer to cook though.

  • 1.5 kg boneless mutton shoulder
  • Oil
  • 4 onions, chopped
  • 15 ml curry powder
  • 5 ml turmeric
  • 10 ml salt
  • 2 ml black pepper
  • 1 stick cinnamon
  • 3 cloves
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 2 carrots
  • 250g apricots
  • 2 bananas, sliced
  • 125ml wine vinegar
  • 500ml meat stock
Cut meat into cubes, fry in oil until brown. Add onions and sauté. Add curry powder and turmeric, fry lightly. Add all remaining seasonings, then carrots and fruit. Add vinegar and stock, cook until meat is tender, 2–3 hours. Serve with yellow rice.

Thanks to my good friend Wendy Young from South Africa who put this page together. You can visit her site at South African Homeschool Curriculum.

South African Cooking Recipe Video-Mala Mala Fire Salad

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